Category: Samples

  • Red Bull / Audi Storyboards

    Red Bull / Audi Storyboards

      Here’s a very fun spot I did a while back for Red Bull/Audi;  a little cross promotional effort to reinforce mutual branding and associations.  Basically, it’s a mini-documentary of an extreme sports spectacle: a never-before-seen coordinated group of stunts with multiple flight technologies being expertly demonstrated, and beautifully shot. This kind of event is more “captured”…

  • Angels Baseball – Storyboards

    Angels Baseball – Storyboards

      Here’s a quick one today- sometimes I get contacted at the last minute to quickly sketch up a concept for a pitch, and it’s just a handful of frames to run by a client, and see what might stick.  That was the case for this project- and I don’t know enough of the context…

  • Storyboards for Reebok Cardio Ultra

    Storyboards for Reebok Cardio Ultra

      Face it.  You gotta work out, and you gotta look good doing it.  Reebok’s got you covered- as evidenced by this fun spot I did a while back. It’s beautifully shot (and storyboarded) and since it’s visually driven, it’s my favorite type of commercial.  These aren’t shoot boards, so it doesn’t match the final…

  • Star Wars Lego – Commercial Pitch

    Star Wars Lego – Commercial Pitch

    A long time ago, in a studio far far away- I drew up some storyboards for a Star Wars TFA / Legos teaser-style commercial!  Its a lot of fun to draw Star Wars stuff, and like everyone else on the planet, I was very excited about the new films coming out.  So I’m super happy…

  • Labatt Blue “Epic” Storyboards

    Labatt Blue “Epic” Storyboards

    I had a good run a couple of years ago getting hired to draw storyboards for an ad campaign for Labatt Blue, a Canadian Beer brand.  They have a Bear character (just an actor in a bear suit) who is their Party Champion – a “Duff Man,” if you will- who shows up at opportune…

  • Intel Series pt 6: “Kayak”

    Intel Series pt 6: “Kayak”

      Our last one for the Intel series!  What a journey. Starting out, we see a typical video conference.  Our high profile businesswoman is kicking corporate butt.  But then we reveal that she’s actually lakeside- using the power of Intel to convince her colleagues that she’s all business, but actually keeping a great work/life separation.…